The MuDiCu model will show how culturally specific multimedia content can be adapted to the language chosen by the user. It will indicate whether colour codes, music, sounds, navigational buttons, icons, symbols, backgrounds, still and moving images and spatial distribution of the elements depend on the linguistic context, and if so how. Technological, business and copyrights aspects will be studied, so as to obtain a real 'cook book' of econtent cultural localisation.
A one year intense project.
We will first gather needs and requirements from content providers, developers, users and also language specialists in order to improve and eventually get a precise and scientific framework for an ideal multilingual website. This will be done using questionnaires, queries and interviews, both real and virtual, through web forms and mailing lists.
We will then analyse the main issues and find solutions concerning the utilization of content and technology in developing a multilingual website.
With these bases, we will develop a demo website where both form and content are multilingual. The main topic of this website will be digital culture dedicated to a young target (15 to 40) : new trends, cyberculture, entertainment related to new electronic media, experiments in multimedia art...
Part of the work will include a thorough analysis of the potential business opportunities to be developed from the project : competition analysis, copyright and distribution issues, electronic commerce developments and business plan. All content providers such as broadcasters, music labels, video and cinema producers, webcasters, event organisers, as well as web developers, web agencies, youth and entertainment sponsors are concerned.
Conclusions of the project will be presented at a conference in Europe and in a major synthesis report as well as on a website, which will promote the project. They will gather representatives from the different industries concerned in a discussion to confront their ideas and experience with our proposed solutions. They will thoroughly present the results of the project and its preparatory actions.